
We're re-launching! Our hope is that Syncopated Saints will be a safe space to explore what God is doing amongst us and through us as a church family. So there'll be all sorts of stuff posted and we'd welcome your comments and contributions. Don't forget we have a Facebook group , also called Syncopated Saints, and the church website. Thanks for visiting :)

Saturday 5 December 2009

So the idea is....

So, the idea is that this might be a shared blog, for everyone who is part of the All Saint's community. Why a blog? Well,the name is the clue, since in music syncopation is a slightly different way of doing things..... and the blog could give us a slightly different way of doing church life together. Preachers/leaders each week could be asked to post a few extra thoughts on the sermons/services, perhaps with extra questions or reflections that they couldn't include on Sunday due to time restrictions. And of course everyone else can then respond/comment. The blog would also give some space for the writers to comment on what God seems to be doing within our church life, and so be an extension of the listening process and 'answering the call'. It could also become a way of recording the pictures and words that God often seems to give around our service times, so that we can pray through them and allow God to give us understanding.

Initially at least the blog would be open to anyone to view and comment, and we can sign up folk from within our church family to be writers - we have a maximum of 100 spaces available. It might be best to start by inviting those who preach and lead, those who are in the staff team and a few others to be writers, and see how that works out.

Any thoughts?

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