- Ex 6-11 was a tough assignment, as it was all about the plagues brought upon the Egyptians as Pharaoh refused to let the Israelites leave.
- Lots of questions came up: What disasters does God bring on people because of their resistance? How should we see natural disasters like the recent earthquake in Haiti? Some friends I discussed this with think that before the Fall of man there were no such events! All the science points to a differnt view. There have always been earthquakes, volcanoes, and what we would call disasters. Without them we would have a very dull featureless earth. An important point for discussion though!
- I really enjoyed seeing the theological points involving the many gods of the Egyptians 'defeated' by the living God of Moses. I had no idea of those things before I started researching it.
- However important the Exodus story is as a statement of God's deliverance, it did occur to me that those poor souls in Auschwitz and Belsen probably remembered these events and asked the question: if God could let his people go then why not now? What do you think?
- I was challenged by the question about whether God actually hardens people's hearts, as it says in Ex 9:12. Coming from an Arminian Methodist background myself I do find that a difficult idea! However it does encouarage us to ask important questions of ourselves. The challenge is to reamin soft hearted towards God and our neighbour. How readily to we shed tears?
- I drew attantion to Moses' perseverance, and encouraged us to keep going despite the setbacks. This all makes sense, but when do the setbacks become signals from the Lord that we should change direction. Remember Luke writing in Acts: that the Spirit of Jesus prevented us'
Tony Haines 25.1.10