
We're re-launching! Our hope is that Syncopated Saints will be a safe space to explore what God is doing amongst us and through us as a church family. So there'll be all sorts of stuff posted and we'd welcome your comments and contributions. Don't forget we have a Facebook group , also called Syncopated Saints, and the church website. Thanks for visiting :)

Tuesday 12 January 2010

How does God call?

On Sunday evening we looked at the call of Moses in Exodus 3 and 4, and there was so much to share that I couldn't develop the third point! The basic thread of the sermon was that God calls through dialogue .....and that He uses dialogue because this is the way that our human weaknesses and deep set barriers to His call are revealed (and He can then get to work on them), and because it creates the opportunity for Him to reveal more and more about Himself (His character and purpose). The third point from this passage was that through dialogue a relationship is established .....and what I would like to have gone on to look at was why relationship is so important in our experience/understanding of God and our response to Him ....this is taken up well in "The Shack" (which I just started yesterday, therefore not until after the sermon strangely). The main character, Mack, encounters all three persons of God as Trinity and as he struggles to get his head around how God has to be both one and three, God reveals that because He is love, He also has to exist, within Himself, in relationship, as an expression of this love......and living as Christians we are being returned to our proper form of being (that is both physical and spiritual) as reflections of the image of God. Therefore relationships become even more important to us and to our wholeness... our true state of being is in relationship (reflecting God's eternal state of being).
All of which has major implications for the focus we should have on nurturing relationships within the church ....so how, in real practical terms, can we reflect this Trinitarian being-in-relationship within our church family/fellowship? and in our relationships with people who are not yet Christians?

Adrian J