
We're re-launching! Our hope is that Syncopated Saints will be a safe space to explore what God is doing amongst us and through us as a church family. So there'll be all sorts of stuff posted and we'd welcome your comments and contributions. Don't forget we have a Facebook group , also called Syncopated Saints, and the church website. Thanks for visiting :)

Monday 8 March 2010

catching up!

Seems a while since we had a post....sorry for the temporary silence! Not doing my job well enough!
Last night was an inspired act of worship.....in that we had to work from scratch with short notice, given that the Eagles team were due to be with us but couldn't get visas in time to fly in from Malawi....so we were running on the Holy Spirit even more than usual! I wonder what anyone else made of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer introduction that I used?
I was inspired by Patrick's use of his ipod playlist to help our lenten meditation....it set me thinking. What six tracks would we each choose because they say something significant about our lives, or our coming to faith, or our discipleship...? The "Blowing your cover" course that has just finished has an interesting section on writing up your own personal testimony, and how to get it printed as a mini-booklet.... I'm wondering now if there is a way of individuals putting together their personal playlists with notes/words about why these tracks are significant to them and their own Christian story - anyone got an idea how this might work? Adrian

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