
We're re-launching! Our hope is that Syncopated Saints will be a safe space to explore what God is doing amongst us and through us as a church family. So there'll be all sorts of stuff posted and we'd welcome your comments and contributions. Don't forget we have a Facebook group , also called Syncopated Saints, and the church website. Thanks for visiting :)

Tuesday 6 April 2010


Many thanks to everyone who enabled the Holy Week 24/7 prayer in the church building...for me this experience of "vertical" prayer (as Nigel described it) really helped in preparation for Easter this year. On Sunday night I preached on John 20, Mary at the empty tomb .....I love the very personal encounters that Jesus has with individuals in John's Gospel: Nicodemus, the woman at the well, Lazarus/Mary/Martha, Thomas, Peter...each one is so personal and yet the truths that Jesus leads each individual to appreciate are also so universal - they apply to all of us. In each case Jesus leads them to a new level of faith by revealing more of who he is... a positive, upwards spiral....as they respond in faith, He reveals more of himself, so that they can respond in faith and He can reveal more......
This reminds me so much of the dialogue that Moses has with God at the burning bush, except that Moses is more questioning in response to God's self-revelation. has anyone had their own experience of this God-led positive spiral of faith?

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